Gray Dental Group

Patient Education

COVID-19 and our office

Based on recommendations by the American Dental Association and the Oklahoma Dental Association, our office will be operating in limited fashion for the next few weeks to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

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Can dental implants be removed?

Dental implants are about the closest thing you can get to a natural tooth.
With improvements in surgery, recovery and manufacturing processes, implants are now a viable option for many people. But some might wonder: is this a forever thing? If the implant fails, can it be removed? Is it like a denture?

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Are dentures cheaper than implants?

Dental implants are a fantastic solution for missing teeth. They bond to the jawbone, stimulating bone structure instead of letting it erode away. They’re strong, lasting for years and sometimes for the rest of the user’s life. And they look natural and don’t need any special care.

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Can dental crowns be whitened?

Dental crowns are among the most common dental implants out there. They’re used for everything from root canals to shoring up weak teeth, creating an outer layer that replaces the tooth’s natural enamel shell with a tough synthetic surface.

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